

AIEQ announces 3 new recipients of PASQÉ financial assistance and STIQ diagnostics

July 19, 2023 - The AIEQ is proud to announce that Groupe Lar, Primax and Delstar Énergie are now among the PASQÉ (Plateforme d'approvisionnement stratégique québécois en électricité) recipients. They will benefit from financing of up to $375,000, representing 60% of the total eligible costs of their respective projects, and from a STIQ industrial diagnostic.

The signing of these three new improvement projects brings to a close the first PASQÉ call for interest launched on October 27, 2022, and will enable signatory companies to position themselves favorably as suppliers to major Quebec contractors. In all, 28 companies submitted 35 improvement projects, 8 of which were selected for financial assistance. PASQÉ's objective is to increase the competitiveness of Quebec suppliers to the electrical industry, in order to ensure the long-term viability of the supply chain and promote economic spin-offs for Quebec, in particular by replacing imports with local purchases.

PASQÉ is made possible by a $5 million grant from the Ministère de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie du Québec [MEIE], as well as the support and participation ofInvestissement Québec and Hydro-Québec.

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To submit a project, simply fill in an online questionnaire and describe your project.

Videos on PASQÉ :

PASQÉ, Québec's strategic electricity procurement platform, offers financial support and strategic advice to companies interested in diversifying their offer and deploying their capacity to serve the needs of public and private clients in Québec's electricity industry. Its aim is to increase the competitiveness of Québec suppliers to the electrical industry, thereby ensuring the long-term viability of the supply chain and strengthening the local industrial fabric.

Find out more about PASQÉ

"The AIEQ is delighted with the success of PASQÉ! Already, many companies have indicated their interest in applying for a future call for interest. The results of the PASQÉ initiative exceed all our expectations, and the accepted projects will concretely strengthen the electrical industry's supply chain."

Marie Lapointe
President and CEO, AIEQ.