

AIEQ welcomes the appointment of Pierre Fitzgibbon as Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy

October 21, 2022 - The AIEQ is pleased to continue the work begun with Mr. Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy. Minister Fitzgibbon is a strong proponent of the energy transition, decarbonization of the economy and increased local sourcing.

"Our close collaboration with Minister Fitzgibbon over the past four years has yielded convincing results, including the granting of $5 million in financial assistance by the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation to set up the Québec Strategic Electricity Supply Platform (PASQÉ). This initiative will enhance the competitiveness of Quebec suppliers to the electricity industry, thereby ensuring the long-term viability of the supply chain and promoting local economic spinoffs. This is a major investment in a strategic sector that is one of the pillars of the Quebec economy, and a major contributor to exports of specialized goods and services," said Marie Lapointe, President and CEO of the AIEQ.

The AIEQ also welcomes the appointments of other members of the government whose responsibilities directly concern energy, GHG emissions reduction, talent management and diversity, notably Geneviève Guilbault (Transport and Sustainable Mobility), Maïté Blanchette Vézina (Natural Resources and Forestry), Martine Biron (International Relations, Francophonie and Status of Women), Kateri Champagne Jourdain (Employment), Christine Fréchette (Immigration, Francisation and Immigration), Messrs. Jean Boutet (Labour), and Mr. Yan Lafrenière (Relations with First Nations and Inuit).