China, US, Canada lead Global Carbon capture storage
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U.S. dream of complete energy independence still out of reach
Nord-du-Québec: A pivotal year for mining projects
USA: charge 'sharing' by electric cars could ease strain on power grid
Pacific Gas & Electrics Impact On California Jobs And Economic Growth
Montreal Auto Show: Answers to questions asked by visitors to the Circuit électrique booth
Energy strategy: Stopping development is not a solution for Quebec
Powering the US with Renewables: A State-By-State Roadmap
GE to invest a further $10 billion in renewable energies
Commission sur les enjeux énergétiques du Québec: "Maîtriser la consommation" ("Controlling consumption")
Hydroelectric and wind power projects: Quebec decides to stay the course
Consultation report from the Commission sur les enjeux énergétiques du Québec