New York Seeks to Reform the Energy Vision: Shift from Monopoly Model to "Utility 2.0"
Have you heard?
Renewable energies: 6.5 million jobs worldwide
GE discusses wind and hydropower with French investors
Renewable energies: 6.5 million jobs worldwide
Quebec exports to grow for third year in a row, up 7% in 2012
USA: The White House's Climate Assessment Heats Up The Discussion About Nuclear Power
USA: A long-term roadmap for the development of hydroelectric power within the context of America's overall energy mix
Shale Boom in North Dakota Project
USA : Twelve states responsible for majority of U.S. wind power in 2013
China produces and consumes almost as much coal as the rest of the world combined
According to Energy Information Administration (EIA), 70% of U.S. Coal Fleet is ready for Mercury And Air Toxic Standards
More than 80% of the first deployment phase completed - Hydro-Québec has installed nearly 1.4 million new-generation meters